Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The end of Summer and goodbyes

As I start writing this blog, it is now 12:31 PM on September the 1st. A lot is important about this date and time. One, it means that in 17 short hours I will be on a plane headed far from home. Two, it's officially the end of summer 2010.

And oh what a summer it was, dear readers. It started out so optimistic, so full of new friends, and the looming dates of AI and eventually Wales. My summer went into full tilt immediately after finals when I headed off to Chicago with one of my best friends for ACen, which I will look back fondly on for years to come. Then I came home and settled into my usual summer routine of staying up late, waking up early, and generally getting nothing of substance done until I had to start working. And that was a different experience in and of itself. I'm glad that I never have to work at that place again. The actual work wasn't awful, but the people were constantly a pain in the ass.

I think one of the most influential things that I experienced this summer was meeting my friends who I fondly refer to as "The Bros". And oh, what a crazy bunch of people they are! To all my bros: Alicia, Amanda, Erika, Gen, Mousse, Paige, Patricia, and Tyler, I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. You certainly made my summer more bearable, even if we are 5 hours apart 99% of the time. Without you I wouldn't have done so much Hetalia-wise this summer and certainly would have been really, really bored. I'll miss you all when I'm away in Wales, and I hope I'll get to see you around the internet while I'm gone.

Of course, summer called for reconnecting with friends back home, and to my hometown buddies, especially Lydia, Sam, Samuel, Linda, and Chris I want to tell you I love each and every one of you. Be good to each other this next term. And try to get Samuel to do stuff. He needs to get out of the house on the weekends.

And to Bekah, my glorious, amazing best friend for life: I know we didn't get to hang out as much as we wanted this summer, what with your little mister and big mister and me not having a car... But every moment I got to spend with you I cherish. You're my best friend on the planet. Thanks for brightening up my summer when I would get down in the dumps. I love you. <3

This summer was full of new friends, new experiences, new scars, and new memories and as I leave in what is now 16 1/2 hours to see a new continent, I take the memories of this summer with me. Goodbye summer, you've been an interesting one. I'll see you next year.

Cynical Pie out.

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