Let's see... It's been almost 2 1/2 weeks since I updated! Wow! Time has sure flown. Let me see if I can update everyone on what's been going on...
Ireland was an amazing trip. I saw so much history in Dublin: places from the Easter Rebellion, the Book of Kells, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Temple Bar, The Old Library at Trinity College, bog people, and a lot more. They were all fascinating places, and it was so amazing to actually stand in places you've only read about in text books before. I also heard live Irish music and watched people spontaneously break out into Irish dancing in the middle of a pub. What an amazing experience.
As interesting as Dublin was, I liked that it was only a short trip there. I'm not a huge fan of large cities. Too many people in too small a space.
After Dublin there was a 3 1/2 hour bus ride though Ireland all the way to the city of Galway. I loved Galway. The beach and seafront was beautiful. The city was calm and manageable, and I didn't get overwhelmed like in Dublin.
We took a ferry to the Aran Islands one of the days to bike around the largest of the islands and visit the cliffs. I was surprised with myself that I could do the entire bike ride to the cliffs and back, only having to get off once or twice to push up a couple of steep hills. And I saw seals! And waved to America from the edge of the cliffs!
The next day there were more cliffs, the Cliffs of Moher, and a rather frightening bus ride on some still very sore bottoms from our excursion to the Aran Islands. It was really foggy and windy, but the cliffs were still beautiful in their own way. The next day we drove back to Dublin to catch the ferry to Holyhead and then drove back to Bangor. I then went straight to the train station to catch a 3 1/2 hour ride to London.
Ireland was an amazing trip, but it was very nice to be on Welsh soil once again.
I love London. I was a little hesitant of it since Dublin, but once I was walking around with Cerys, aka demi-goddess on DeviantArt (Her photography is awesome check it out here), I was absolutely in love. The Tower of London... How can you aptly describe getting to stand in the middle of a place that you have read so much about, seeing those walls that hold such a huge amount of history... It's been a week and a half since then and I'm still speechless.
The Tower wasn't the only place we went to in dear old London-town. We also walked along Parliament and Big Ben, went across Westminster Bridge, saw the London Eye (waaaaaaay too expensive to ride), saw Westminster Abbey, and went to see Buckingham Palace. They are all so beautiful. Even more so because this day in London was literally a dream come true for me. I'm so, so happy. I've walked the streets of London. I couldn't ask for more.
Back to Bangor
So after a beautiful time in London and another 3 1/2 hour train ride back, it was time to start Freshers Fortnight (a.k.a. Welcome Week) back at Uni. And the week certainly lived up to its expectations. It was loud, chaotic, hectic, frustrating, and a lot of fun. I've made friends with a really nice guy from my flat named Bob. Come to think of it, he's actually my neighbor! He was great and invited me to go out with him and some of his friends. We had an awesome time and I made friends with a girl named Sarah too. She showed me where the nail polish was in Morrison's, so I have new nail designs~! Yay!
Just yesterday the Abroad group went over to Chester for the day. Had tons of fun and geeked out about history some more (shocking, I know). I think History is the perfect major to have when you come to Wales. You're just immersed in so much culture, and the layers upon layers of history each town and city holds is just astounding.
And now for some actual photos to go along with this blog:
Please excuse me while the book lover in me dies of happiness...
St. Patrick's Catherdal
Christchurch cathedral
Along the riverfront in Galway, being a tourist.
The cliffs on the Aran Islands
The Cliffs of Moher
A very healthy lunch in London...
Just who is that damn tourist?
Parliament! Oh yeah baby!
I have no idea what time Blogger will decide I published this at, but it's now midnight and I have a History of Witchcraft and Magic class in 9 hours. Goodnight blog, I'll try not to abandon you for 2 1/2 weeks again.
Until next time, may you have blue skies...
And fair weather.
-Cynical Pie
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