Hey there wanderers of the internet! It's time for a kick-ass update/tutorial! I know, you're all just giddy with excitement. So let's get down to it!
Today I overhauled the paint job on this little number:
As you can see, the paint job done when it was produced isn't very good. The blade was atrocious and the gold was haphazardly put on:
Plus, I wanted the sword to coordinate with my viking Iceland outfit, which uses blues, browns and silvers.
Part 1: The Blade
So, the first thing I did was the blade:
1. First thing's first, I taped up the hilt so I wouldn't get spray paint on it.
2. Then I spray painted the blade using Rust-Oleum Bright Coat Metallic Finish in Aluminum.
3. As you can see, the spray paint is a very bright, metallic silver. This is fine for most props, but I wanted my sword to have a more realistic feel to it. So then came the texturing.
To texture the blade I used a foam brush used for most crafts and a mixture of gray and silver acrylic paints. I lightly covered the brush in the paint and then very lightly and quickly ran the brush over the blade from the center to the edge. Here you can kind of see the before and after:
When it's all done, the blade should look something like this:
Part 2: The Scabbard
So, I spent quite a bit of time on this scabbard, and I'm really pleased with how it has turned out, so let's get cracking shall we?
1. I painted over the black base with a dark blue acrylic paint using another foam craft brush. I also made sure to use horizontal strokes and to let some of the black show through so it would look more realistic.
2. Then I overhauled the detailing. To start with, I took a mixture of silver and gray acrylic paint (same mixture as on the blade)and the foam brush and painted over all of the gold. I made sure to go a little heavier on this part since I didn't want any of the gold to shine through.
3. Next comes the tedious work: Going back over where you have just painted and taking a small paintbrush (and also a toothpick in my case) and painting the sunken in parts black. Do this to give the detailing depth. Also, don't worry about it being super exact. The next steps will rectify the little oopsies.
When you're done with this step, it should look a little something like this:
4. Now you're going to take another one of your friends the foam craft brushes and lightly brush black over the silver. Then take the silver craft brush and go lightly over the detailing again. This is done to create the wear and tear and highlights to make the details look more realistic.
5. Finish up the hilt by going back over any parts of the blue you may have accidentally gotten silver/gray/black on. Make sure to use the technique in step 1 so everything looks the same.
6. Repeat steps 2-4 on the hilt of the sword.
7. Very, very, very lightly go over the detailing on the scabbard and hilt with just the silver paint. It really brightens up the "metal" and adds a nice touch.
8. Ta-da! Now you have your very own over-hauled plastic sword! Hooray!
Well, I hope this walk-through has been helpful! If you have any questions about what I've used or done in this thing, don't hesitate to ask. And just because you were so nice and made it to the end of this thing, here's a bonus pic of the completed sword:
I'm off to bed now. I have so much to do before AI gets here it's not even funny. Until next time, Cynical Pie is as good as unconscious.
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