So, it's essentially crunch time now in Cynical Pie-land. The goal- a completed fully-sewn cosplay and closet-cosplay for Anime Iowa. Deadline- July 30th. Time left to work- If I get off my butt and actually to something today, it's 22 days. I have even less time if you factor in weekends and days off visitng friends. But I don't want to make this number smaller than it already is.
So, crunch time. I'm about to jump off the diving board of procrastination and dive into the Pool of Ridiculous Amounts of Fabric. 7 3/4 yards of fabric to be exact. Now, you're probably asking yourself, "What could anyone possibly need with almost 8 yards (24 feet for those of you who don't feel like converting stuff) of fabric?" The fabric, polar fleece to be exact, is becoming the cloak for my Viking Iceland cosplay from Axis Powers Hetalia.
Shebam. The epic roll of fabric.
Right now I have it all pinned out (after much trouble, but that's a story for a different time) and the majority of the pieces cut out. Now it just needs to be sewm and BAM! part of that costume done.
So what else is there to do in this crunch time? Well, my lovely Twin, Cerys, from the UK needs her birthday gift shipped off, which means finishing those two mochis. Then I have a Gilbird to accessorize, 3 more mochis to make, and a tunic to make. Thank god my wonderful friend is letting me borrow her wig. HUGE relief and weight off my shoulders. For those of you who haven't ever bought and styled wigs: Unless you really enjoy working with hair, don't try and style a wig. You'll want to claw your eyes out before it's over.
All quiet on the Welsh front
Things for Wales are coming along nicely. I finally have the funds to purchase my ticket, and tomorrow my ticket should be ordered and my health evaluation done. It would just be nice if the college would send out my financial aid package so I could know how much I still need to pay before I go over.
Sad bit of news, one of my friends' brother got sick, and so she's deferring going abroad for a semester. I wish her and her family all the best, because she is such a fun person to be around.
And now for something completely different
Yes, I did steal the styling of this blog from my friend, Resonant Insanity over at Otaku Asylum. Am I sorry? Nope. :P
Oh, and I turned another year older. That happens about once a year.
Happy Birthday me. Maybe we'll get a little wiser this year. And grow up a little. But don't count on that second one.
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