Sunday, October 24, 2010


I have been to Cardiff, the capitol of Wales, this past weekend. And I have:

-Seen the Wye Valley
-Been inside the ruins of Tintern Abbey
-Eaten sketchy, yet delicious pears
-Eaten in an old pornographic theater (We didn't know at the time. But still, HILARIOUS!)
-Shared a nice evening with some friends and our program director
-Walked around Cardiff's city center at night
-Been in the gaudiest castle rooms ever
-Walked in a semi off-limits area of Cardiff Castle's wall
-Visited the Dragon's Den
-Hugged a Dalek
-Walked onto the ground floor/playing floor of Millennium Stadium
-Touched a TARDIS
-Found Torchwood
-Ate a fresh scone and drank fresh apple cider
-Sat in a Celtic hut and talked in Welsh with a very nice man
-Bonded with one of my friends, and with some of the other program girls
-Laughed along with my friends while watching Teen Mom
-Watched Star Trek and Inglorious Basterds with some nice, fellow hostel-ers
-Looked at gorgeous art
-Downed a McDonald's value meal in 5 minutes
-Woke up early, stayed up late
-Watched the sunset in Snowdonia

-Loved every, single minute of the past 3 days

I go to bed tonight, glad to be in my own bed again, but also so happy that I experienced all I have.

Nos da,
Cynical Pie